Summer Leagues

A community of practice is defined as a group of people who share a craft or profession. You can find these groups throughout the world from motor companies in Detroit to soccer moms around the world. When I think of an example of a community f practice I like to think of the basketball summer leagues that thousands of basketball players play in. These leagues can be found throughout the country from The Drew League in California to Rucker Park in New York.

Image by By Game Face (Flickr: Jennings & Harden) [CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

In these leagues you can see professional NBA players mix with amateur player as they play a games together. This mixture of players come together to hone their basketball skills and share techniques with each other. What differs these leagues from just another pickup game at a gym is the level of skill that these players have. These are some of the best players at different levels gathering in one place to sharpen their individual skills. This is a successful COP because not only are the players who are involved learning, but those who watch the games are also able to pick something up by witnessing the games.

Image by Bryan Horowitz (Own Work) [CC BY-SA 2.0 via Flickr


  1. Many of us grew up playing sports, and just as you said, we got better by playing with other people and learning from those around us. There is competition that arises between you and your teammates that forces everyone on the team to get better, just like you mentioned about people sharing different techniques with each other. It was also an interesting point you made about how even the spectators of the games can learn new things. Great post. agree with everything you said.


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