
The proposition of Wikipedia seems like a great idea. It is a great online encyclopedia that anyone can edit. I think that the fact that anyone can edit Wikipedia is a great idea because it can show the collection of knowledge. On Wikipedia people can pool together their knowledge on a singular topic and contribute to a better understanding on the topic. But one thing that I have heard throughout high school was not to use Wikipedia because it was not a trusted source. I was taught to avoid it mainly because people are able to edit and put whatever they want, even if it is not true. This is a reasonable fear, but I do not believe that it is entirely true. I believe that the Wikipedia community will do a good job in regulating what goes into the posts and will work to make sure what is valid will show. The only blind spot would be lesser talked about topics.
Image by By Feakgok (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
